About Us

House of Mercy is part of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.

Our Story

House of Mercy is not a building or a place but a people and you belong.

In 2020, in the midst of a global pandemic, a group of weary and worn out people began meeting outside in the Oakley neighborhood of Asheville. We felt like a group of misfits wandering in the wilderness, literally meeting in a yard. As word of mouth spread, we eventually had to move indoors and had a beautiful relationship with Mt. Zion MB Church, an historic African-American church in the heart of downtown for 2.5 years.

In January of 2024 we moved our service to the morning at The Mule in Devil’s Foot Beverage Company’s warehouse near the AVL Design District. Some of us have been wounded by church. Others love Jesus and justice, but in this polarizing culture just didn’t feel like we belonged in any church. Some of us are trying to re-enter society after being incarcerated, and others have never really been apart of church at all, but together we are learning to experience the love and welcome of God in Christ Jesus.